QP9302 Management Review Input


The purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for scheduling, conducting, and recording management reviews of the quality management system.


This procedure applies to all activities comprising the quality system, and in particular those named in ISO 9001:2015 Standard 9.3.2, Review input.

This procedure directly concerns the top executive management.


1. Review input

1.1  At a minimum, following information and data are presented for review:

Action items from last meeting:

Status of action items from previous meeting. Items which are not completed are carried on as continuing actions, and are recorded as such in the minutes of the meeting.


Review of adequacy and allocation of resources, including capital equipment needs, staffing levels.

Resource Requirements Review

Measurement Systems Analysis Review (MSA)

5S Systems Review

IT Systems Projects Completed and Future Review

Six Sigma Initiatives

Process performance and product conformance:

Review of quality performance data. These include rates or process and product nonconformities, on-time delivery performance, supplier quality performance, and productivity data.

Internal quality audits:

Review of results of internal quality system audits. This includes summaries of results for the cycle, frequencies of audit findings against particular elements of the quality system, and discussion of particularly important findings.

Corrective and preventive actions:

Review of most important corrective and preventive actions implemented through the period, and the status of pending actions.

Customer feedback and complaints:

Review of customer feedback and complaints, including analysis of trends for particular categories.

Customer satisfaction:

Review of customer satisfaction data and trends.

Vendor Performance:

Review of significant vendor quality performance issues.


Review status of training programs and the effectiveness of training provided. This includes correlation of training with quality and productivity performance trends in corresponding areas.

Continual improvement:

Review of data demonstrating progress toward achieving continual improvement goals, and reviews current and completed improvement projects.

Changes that could affect the quality system:

Review/discussion of any process, capacity, or other operational or organizational changes that affect the quality system; and proposes specific actions to update or modify the system in response to these changing circumstances.

1.2  In addition to the topics listed above, management review may also consider such issues as cost of quality and non-quality; integration of the quality system with other operations and activities; market and customer response to the quality effort; and any other such issues related to the quality management system.

Associated Documents

Management Review Minutes

Revision History:

Revision Date Description of Changes Approved By
0.0 07/03/17 Initial Release Jim Theesfeld
1.0 8/17/18 Digitized version and procedure changes for new management structure Todd Gifford